Conference Papers
Tan, X, Zhou, M and Fitzgerald, B (2020) Scaling Open Source Communities: An Empirical Study of the Linux Kernel, IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Technical Track), pp. 1222-1234, Korea.
Barcomb, A, Stol, K, Riehle D and Fitzgerald B (2019) Why Do Episodic Volunteers Stay in FLOSS Communities? 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Technical Track), Montreal, 2019
Hemon, A, Lyonnet, B, Rowe, F and Fitzgerald, B (2018) Conceptualizing the Transition From Agile to DevOps: A Maturity Model for a Smarter IS Function, Proc of IFIP 8.6 Conference on Smart working, living and organising, Portsmouth, UK
Rolland K, Fitzgerald B, Dingsøyr T, Stol K. (2016) Problematizing Agile in the Large: Alternative Assumptions for Large-Scale Agile Development, 37th International Conference on Information Systems, (Nominated for Best Paper Award)
Stol K, Ralph P and Fitzgerald B (2016) Grounded Theory in Software Engineering Research: A Critical Review and Guidelines. Proc. 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Technical Track). Austin, TX
Krafft M, Stol K, and Fitzgerald B (2016) How Do Free/Open Source Developers Pick Their Tools? A Delphi Study of the Debian Project. Proc. 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Austin, TX.
Fitzgerald, B. The Relationship between Agile Methods and Open Source Software Development
Agerfalk, P, Fitzgerald, B, and Stol, K (2015) Not so Shore Anymore: The New Imperatives when Sourcing in the Age of Open, Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Münster, Germany, May 2015. |
Fitzgerald B and Stol K (2015) The Dos and Don’ts of Crowdsourcing Software Development, Proceedings SOFSEM 2015, LNCS 8939, pp. 58-64. |
Fitzgerald, B, Musial, M and Stol, K (2014) Evidence-based decision-making in lean software project management, Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Hyderabad, June 2014. |
Stol, KJ and Fitzgerald (2014) Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd: A Case Study of Crowdsourcing Software Development, Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Technical Track, Hyderabad, June 2014. |
Fitzgerald B, Stol, KJ, O'Sullivan R, O'Brien D (2013) Scaling Agile Methods to Regulated Environments: An Industry Case Study, Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), San Francisco, May 2013. |
M. Mc Hugh, F. Mc Caffery, B. Fitzgerald, K. Stol, V. Casey, and G. Coady (2013) “Balancing agility and discipline in a medical device software organization,” in 13th Int’l SPICE Conference, Germany, June 2013. |
Lane, M, Agerfalk, P and Fitzgerald, B (2012) Identifying lean software development values, Proceedings of ECIS Conference, Barcelona, June 2012. |
G. Gaughan, B. Fitzgerald, M. Shaikh (2009) An examination of the use of open source software processes as a global software development solution for commercial software engineering, in Proceedings of the 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Greece, pp. 20-27. |
Feller, J., Finnegan, P., Fitzgerald, B., and Hayes, J. (2008) Bazaar by Design: Managing Inter-Firm Exchanges in an Open Source Service Network (OSSN), in Change in the Service Economy, M. Barrett, E. Davidson, and J. I. DeGross (eds.), New York. | Link to ISR Journal Paper
Ågerfalk, P, Fitzgerald, B, Holmstrom, H and Ó Conchúir, E (2008) Benefits of Global Software Development: The Known and Unknown, in Q. Wang, D Pfahl, and D.M. Raffo (Eds.): Making Globally Distributed Software a Success Story, ICSP 2008, LNCS 5007, pp. 1-9, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. |
Lings B, Lundell B, Ågerfalk PJ, Fitzgerald B (2007) A reference model for successful Distributed Development of Software Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2007), Munich, Germany, 27-30 August 2007. |
Conboy, K. & Fitzgerald, B. (2007) The Views of Experts on the Current State of Agile Method Tailoring. In: McMaster, T. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion. Manchester, May 2007.| Link to TOSEM Journal paper
Ågerfalk, P.J. and Fitzgerald, B., Holmström, H., Ó Conchúir, E., (2006). Open-sourcing in the Celtix project: a case of outsourcing to an unknown workforce, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2006), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 10-13 2006. | Link to MISQ Journal paper
Holmström, H., Ó Conchúir, E., Ågerfalk, P.J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2006). The Irish Bridge: A Case Study of the Dual Role in Offshore Sourcing Relationships, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2006), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 10-13 2006. | Link to MISQ Journal paper
Holmström, H., Ó Conchúir, E., Ågerfalk, P.J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2006). Global Software Development Challenges: A Case Study on Temporal, Geographical and Socio-Cultural Distance, International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE2006), Costão do Santinho, Florianópolis, Brazil.|
Ó Conchúir, E., Holmström, H., Ågerfalk, P.J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2006). Exploring the Assumed Benefits of Global Software Development, International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE2006), Costão do Santinho, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 16-19 2006.|
Holmström, H. Ó Conchúir, E., Ågerfalk, P.J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2006) The Irish bridge: A case study of the dual role in offshore sourcing relationships, 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Helsingor, Denmark, Aug 2006 | Link to MISQ Journal paper
Ó Conchúir, E., Holmström, H. and Ågerfalk, P.J., Fitzgerald, B. (2006) Global Software Development: Never Mind the Problems – Are There Really Any Benefits?, 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Helsingor, Denmark, Aug 2006 | Google Scholar
Ågerfalk, P.J., Fitzgerald, B., Holmström, H. and Ó Conchúir, E. (2006) Open-sourcing as offshore outsourcing strategy, 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Helsingor, Denmark, Aug 2006. | Link to MISQ Journal paper
Lundell, B, Lings, B, Agerfalk, P, Fitzgerald, B (2006) The distributed open source software development model: observations on communication, coordination and control, Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2006), Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2006. | Google Scholar
Lings, B, Lundell, B, Agerfalk, P, Fitzgerald, B (2006) Ten strategies for successful distributed development, Proceedings of IFIP WG 8.6 Conference, Galway, 8-10 Jun 2006, Springer-Verlag, pp.94-112.|
Glynn, G, Fitzgerald, B and Exton, C. (2005) Commercial adoption of open source software: an empirical study, Proceedings of International Conference on Empirical Software Engineering, Noosa Heads, Australia, Nov 2005.|
Ågerfalk, P.J., Fitzgerald, B., Holmström, H., Lings, B., Lundell, B. and Ó Conchúir, E. (2005). A Framework for Considering Opportunities and Threats in Distributed Software Development, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Software Development (DiSD 2005), Paris, 29 August 2005: Austrian Computer Society, pp. 47–61 | Google Scholar
Agerfalk, P, Deverell, A, Fitzgerald, B and Morgan L (2005) Assessing the Role of OSS in the European Secondary Software Sector, 1st International Conference on Open Source Software, Genoa, Italy, July 2005 (This paper won a Best Conference paper award) |
Fitzgerald, B. and Hartnett, G (2005) A study of the use of agile methods within Intel, in Baskerville, R., Matthiassen, L, Pries-Heje, J and DeGross, J (Eds) Business Agility & IT Diffusion, Proceedings of the IFIP 8.6 Conference, Atlanta, May 2005, Springer, NY, pp. 187-202.| Link To EJIS Journal paper
Ågerfalk, P.J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2005) Methods as Action Knowledge: Exploring the Concept of Method Rationale in Method Construction, Tailoring and Use, In Proceedings of EMMSAD’05: Tenth IFIP WG8.1 International Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, (Eds, Halpin, T. et al.) Porto, Portugal, pp. 413-426. |Google Scholar
Conboy, K, Fitzgerald, B. and Golden, W (2005) Agility in ISD: a three-tiered framework, in Baskerville, R., Matthiassen, L, Pries-Heje, J and DeGross, J (Eds) Business Agility & IT Diffusion, Proceedings of the IFIP 8.6 Conference, Atlanta, May 2005, Springer, NY, pp. 35-52. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. and Ågerfalk , P.J. (2005) The Mysteries of Open Source Software: Black and White and Red All Over? In Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), January 3-7, Computer Society Press.|Google Scholar
Conboy, K & Fitzgerald, B (2004) The Components of Agility and Resources Required to Fuel Their Fire, 19th COCOMO Conference, Los Angeles, Oct 2004.
Conboy, K. and B. Fitzgerald (2004). Towards a Conceptual Framework of Agile Methods. ACM Workshop on Interidsciplinary Sofrware Engineering Research (WISER), California.|
Conboy, K. and B. Fitzgerald (2004). Towards a Conceptual Framework of Agile Methods. XP and Agile Conference, Alberta, Canada |
Donnellan, B and Fitzgerald B (2004) Towards a Knowledge Typology of NPD Engineering Processes, International Engineering Management Conference (IEMC) 2004, Oct 2004, Singapore. | Google Scholar
Conboy, K.; Fitzgerald, B. (2004) A Study of Agile Methods: The Gap Between Theory and Practice, XP2004 Conference. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Conboy, K. and B. Fitzgerald (2004). A Multi-disciplinary literature review of agility. Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, August 2004.
Fitzgerald, B. and Kenny, T. (2003) Open Source Software in the Trenches: Lessons from a Large Scale Implementation, Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Information Systems, (ICIS2003), Seattle, December 2003, pp. 316-326.| Google Scholar
Heavin, C. and Fitzgerald, B. (2003) Strategically Planning IT: Institutional Influences Shaping a Software Sector, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Tampa, Florida, August 2003. | Google Scholar
Bjorn, P., Fitzgerald, B. and Scupola, A. (2003) The Role of Social Awareness in Technology Acceptance of Groupware in Virtual Learning Teams, 26th Annual Information Research in Scandinavia (IRIS) Conference, August 2003.| Google Scholar
Donnellan, B. and Fitzgerald, B. (2003) A Knowledge Management Application to Support Knowledge Sharing in a Design Engineering Community, Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Naples, Italy, June 2003. | Google Scholar
Donnellan, B. & Fitzgerald, B. (2003) Knowledge Management System Challenges in New Product Development. In Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Oriel College, Oxford University, September 2003.
Feller, J and Fitzgerald B (2003) Is Open Source Revolutionising the Software Industry?, Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Naples, Italy, June 2003 | Google Scholar
Heavin, C., Fitzgerald, B. and Trauth, E. (2003) Factors Influencing Ireland’s Software Industry: Lessons for Economic Development through IT, Proceedings of IFIP WG8.2/9.4 Joint Conference, Athens, June 15-17, 2003 | Google Scholar
Kiely, G. and Fitzgerald, B. (2003) An Investigation of the Use of Methods in ISD Projects, Proceedings of IFIP WG8.2/9.4 Joint Conference, Athens, June 15-17, 2003 | Google Scholar
Feller, J., Fitzgerald, B., Hissam, S. and Lakhani, K (2003) Taking stock of the bazaar, 3rd workshop on open source software engineering, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Portland, Oregon, pp. 785-786. | Google Scholar
Kiely, G. and Fitzgerald, B. (2002) An investigation of the information systems development environment: the nature of development life cycles and the use of methods, Proceedings of 2002 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Dallas, Texas, 9-11 Aug 2002. | Google Scholar
Neville, K. and Fitzgerald, B. (2002) Mid-career Employees Embracing Technology: A Case Study, Proceedings of the IS2002 Conference, University College Cork, 19 – 21 June 2002. | Google Scholar
Feller, J., Fitzgerald, B. and van der Hoek, A. (Editors) (2001) Making Sense of the Bazaar, Proceedings of First Workshop on Open Source Software, 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Toronto, May 2001 | Google Scholar
Oates, B. and Fitzgerald, B. (2001) Action Research: Putting Theory into Practice, IFIP WG8.2 Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) 2001 Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, December 2001
Feller, J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2000) A Framework Analysis of the Open Source Software Development Paradigm, in W. Orlikowski, P. Weill, S. Ang & H. Krcmar (Eds) Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Information Systems, (ICIS2000), Brisbane, Australia, December 2000. (This paper won the ICIS Best Conference Theme paper award) |
Fitzgerald, B., Russo, N. and O’Kane, T. (2000) An Empirical Study of System Development Method Tailoring in Practice, in Hansen, H., Bichler, M. & Mahrer, H. (Eds) Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems, Vienna, July 2000, pp. 187-194. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. (2000) A Review of Information Systems Development Practice, in Beynon-Davies, P. (Ed) Proceedings of the 5thConference of the UK Academy for Information Systems, McGraw-Hill, Cardiff, April 2000.
Fitzgerald, B. and Fitzgerald, G. (1999), Categories and Contexts in IS Development: Making Sense of the Mess, in Ciborra, C. et al. (Eds) Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Information Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 1999, pp. 194-211. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. (1998) An Empirically-Grounded Framework for the IS Development Process, in Hirschheim, R., Newman, M. and deGross, J. (Eds) Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Information Systems, (ICIS1998), Helsinki, December, 1998, pp. 103-114.| Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. (1998) Executive Information Systems without Executives, in Avison, D. and Edgar-Nevill, D. (Eds) Matching Technology with Organisational Needs, Proceedings of Third Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems, Lincoln University, UK, McGraw-Hill, pp. 298-310. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. and Howcroft, D. (1998) Competing Dichotomies in IS Research and Possible Strategies for Resolution, in Hirschheim, R., Newman, M. and deGross, J. (Eds) Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Information Systems, (ICIS1998), Helsinki, December, 1998, pp. 155-164. | Google Scholar
Butler, T. and Fitzgerald, B. (1998) Enterprise Transformation and the Alignment of Business and Information Technology Strategies: Lessons from Practice, in Larsen, T and Levine, L. (Eds.) Information Systems: Current Issues and Future Changes, Proceedings of IFIP WG8.2 and WG8.6 Joint Conference, Helsinki, Finland, December, Chapman & Hall, pp. 393-416.
Butler, T. and Fitzgerald, B. (1998) New Light through Old Windows: An Analytic Review of the CSF Concept for Research and Praxis in the IS Field, In Hackney, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of 8th Annual BIT Conference, November, UK.
Howcroft, D. and Fitzgerald, B. (1998) Utopia and Dystopia: The Twin Faces of the Internet, in Larsen, T and Levine, L. (Eds.) Information Systems: Current Issues and Future Changes, Proceedings of IFIP WG8.2 and WG8.6 Joint Conference, Helsinki, Finland, December, Chapman & Hall, pp. 49-70. | Google Scholar
Butler, T. and Fitzgerald, B. (1997) A Case Study of User Participation in the IS Development Process, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Information Systems, (ICIS1997), Atlanta, Georgia, December, 1997, pp. 411-426. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. (1997) Systems Development Methodologies: Time to Advance the Clock, in Wojtkowski, G. (Ed) Systems Development Methods for the Next Century, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on IS Development methods, Boise, Idaho, Plenum Press, pp. 127-140. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. (1997) The Nature of Usage of Systems Development Methodologies in Practice: A Field Study, in Avison, D (Ed) Key Issues in Information Systems, Proceedings of Second Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems, University of Southampton, UK, McGraw-Hill, pp. 331-344. | Link to ISJ journal paper
Fitzgerald, B. (1996) An investigation of the use of systems development methodologies in practice, in Coelho, J. et al. (Eds) Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Information Systems, Lisbon, pp. 143-162.| Link to ISJ journal paper
Fitzgerald, B. (1996) Lessons Learned from the Use of Methodologies: Time to Halt the Bipolar Drift, in Jayaratna, N. and Fitzgerald, B. (1996) (Eds.), Lessons Learned from the Use of Methodologies, BCS Publications, Swindon, pp. 17-22.
Fitzgerald, B. et Adam, F. (1996) Méthodologies de conception et de programmation: Il est grand temps de remettre les pendules a l’heure, dans Larrasquet, J. et Claveranne, J. (Eds) Actes de Deuxiemes Journees de Projectique, Bayonne, France, pp. 199-220.
Fitzgerald, B. and Adam, F. (1996) The Future of IS: Expansion or Extinction?, Proceedings of First Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems, Cranfield University, 10-12 April 1996.| Google Scholar
Adam, F. and Fitzgerald, B. (1996) A Framework for Analysing the Evolution of the IS Field: Can IS become a Stable Discipline?, in Coelho, J. et al. (Eds) Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Information Systems, Lisbon, pp. 17-32.
Fitzgerald, B. (1995) A Descriptive Framework for Investigating Problems in the Application of Systems Development Methodologies, in Jayaratna, N. et al (Eds) Proceedings of Third Conference on Information Systems Methodologies, BCS Publications, Swindon, pp. 27-38. | Google Scholar
Fitzgerald, B. (1995) Executive Information Systems: The Case of the Missing Executive, in Lundberg B. (Ed) Proceedings of Second Scandinavian Research Seminar on Information and Decision Networks, Sweden, pp. 67-80.
Baskerville, R., Fitzgerald, B., Fitzgerald, G. and Russo, N. (1995) Beyond Systems Development Methodologies: Time to Leave the Lamppost?, In Walsham, G., Orlikowski, W. and Jones, M. (Eds) Information Technology and Changes in Organisational Work, Proceedings of the IFIP 8.2 Conference, Cambridge University, UK, pp. 235-238.
Fitzgerald, B. (1994) The Systems Development Dilemma: Whether to Adopt Formalised Systems Development Methodologies or Not?, in Baets, W. (Ed) Proceedings of Second European Conference on Information Systems, Nijenrode University Press, Holland, pp. 691-706.|
Fitzgerald, B. (1994) Whither Systems Development: Time to Move the Lamppost, in Lissoni, C. et al (Eds) Proceedings of 2nd Conference on IS Methodologies, BCS Publications, Swindon, pp. 371-380.