Link to Google Scholar Profile
Fitzgerald, B, Kesan, J, Russo, B, Shaikh, M and Succi, G (2011) Adopting Open Source Software: A Practical Guideline, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Feller, J, Fitzgerald, B, Hissam, S, and Lakhani, K. (Eds) (2005) Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. | Slashdot | Harvard Library |
Fitzgerald, B., Russo, N. and Stolterman, E. (2002) Information Systems Development: Method-in-Action, McGraw Hill, UK. (Translated into Italian – Lo Sviluppo diSistemi Informativi: Metodologie in Azione in 2004) | Amazon
Feller, J. and Fitzgerald, B. (2002) Understanding Open Source Software Development, Addison-Wesley; UK (Serialised in Linux Business Week in 2002) | Pearson
Stol, KJ, Avgeriou, P, Babar, M, Lucas, Y and Fitzgerald, B. (2014) Key Factors for Adopting Inner Source, Forthcoming in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology (TOSEM) |
Mattsson, A, Fitzgerald, B, Lundell, B and Lings B (2012) An approach for modelling architectural design rules in uml and its application to embedded software, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology (TOSEM), Vol 21, No 2. |
Conboy, K and Fitzgerald, B (2010) Method and developer characteristics for effective agile method tailoring: a study of expert opinion, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology (TOSEM), Vol. 20, No 1, June 2010 |
Matsson, A, Lundell, B, Lings, B and Fitzgerald, B (2009), Linking model driven development and software architecture: A case study, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol 35 No 1 pp83-93.|
Feller, J, Finnegan, P, Fitzgerald, B and Hayes, J (2008) From peer production to productization: a study of socially-enabled business exchanges in open source service networks, Information Systems Research, Vol 19, No. 4, pp.474-493. |
Agerfalk, P and Fitzgerald, B (2008) Outsourcing to an unknown workforce: exploring opensourcing as a global sourcing strategy, MIS Quarterly, Vol 32, No. 3, pp. 385-410. |
Holmstrom, H, O Conchuir, E, Agerfalk, P and Fitzgerald, B (2008) Two-stage offshoring: an investigation of the Irish bridge, MIS Quarterly, Vol 32, No 2, pp. 201-224. |
Fitzgerald, B. (2006) The transformation of open source software, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 30, No 3, pp. 587-598. |
Feller, J. & Fitzgerald, B. (2000) A Framework Analysis of the Open Source Software Development Paradigm, in W. Orlikowski et al (Eds) Proc. of 21st International Conference on Information Systems, (ICIS2000), Australia, 2000. |
(This paper won the ICIS Best Conference Theme Paper award).
Agerfalk, P, Deverell, A, Fitzgerald, B and Morgan L (2005) Assessing the Role of OSS in the European Secondary Software Sector, 1st International Conference on Open Source Software, Genoa, Italy, July 2005. |
(This paper won Best Conference paper award)